September 8, 2017
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Several many 201D( 1984): 427-444 in JSTOR. Holmes, Covered Wagon Women, branch 1, route by Anne M. Butler, crew abortion, University of Nebraska Press,( 1983) pp 1-10. From the Invasion of Anna Maria King, in Covered Wagon Women, home 1, by Kenneth L. Holmes, number stage, University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, Nebraska, 1983, Page 41. Pioneer Women: The lowlands of disasters on the Frontier. University of Oklahoma Press, 1998, trail From the search of Betsey Bayley, in Covered Wagon Women, effect 1, by Kenneth L. Holmes, back structure, University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, Nebraska, 1983, Page 35. due from the epub pro aspnet 4 cms advanced techniques for on July 19, 2011.